By Reno Omokri
Some things that happen In Catholicism and Anglicanism can never happen in the genuine following of Yeshua or in Islam. A faithful follower of Yeshua has more in common with a genuine Muslim than with a Catholic or Anglican. That is why when Catholic Europe expelled Jews on March 31, 1492, the Muslim Ottomans and the Islamic Moors granted them automatic asylum.

Since you were born, how many times has Islam been updated? If you are honest, you will agree that the answer is NEVER.
Only man-made religions need updating. The Word of God is settled. It never changes.
Your holy book says women have no place in ministry (1 Timothy 2:12, 1 Corinthians 14:34). Your holy men say they do. And you jettison your holy book and follow the word of your holy men.
Your Scripture says marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24). Your Pope and Archbishop say priests can bless a union between two men. And you obey men rather than God?
When faced with this same predicament in Joshua 24:15, Joshua said, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve”. He then concluded, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Tomorrow, you will carry your leg that God created and still go to that church to allow such men to continue to lead you away from what your God told you.
And when your attention is drawn to it, you say, ‘Judge not’. That is how you will be like the frog that continued to adjust to ever-increasing water temperature until the water became too hot for it to jump and escape.
In Numbers 23:8, Balaam said, “How can I curse those whom God has not cursed?”
And in the year 2023, the Catholic Pope is asking priests to do tye reverse. To bless same-sex marriages that God has not blessed. Is that not a contradiction of what Scripture tells us in Numbers 23:8?
As a Catholic, choose who you will follow. The word of God or the proclamation of Pope Francis! Because you cannot simultaneously follow both.