Ejekpokpo Donates Chairs to Imodje Secondary School, Says “Government Has Failed”

In a heartwarming display of generosity and care for the community, Mr. Samuel Ejekpokpo, who hails from Imodje-Orogun but is currently residing in New York, USA, on Friday, December 15th, 2023, exhibited a true act of benevolence by presenting desks and benches to Imodje Secondary School, Orogun.

Mr. Samuel Ejekpokpo

Mr. Ejekpokpo, who traveled a staggering 8,000 miles to make the presentation, expressed his commitment to initiating positive change within the school. Reflecting on his own schooling experience, he lamented the lack of basic furniture like chairs for the current students. He highlighted the challenges rural areas face where families struggle to provide such essentials for their children. Addressing the “government’s failure” to adequately support education, he emphasized the dire need for change.

Mr. Samuel Ejekpokpo, addressing the students

“This marks the beginning of more to come,” he remarked optimistically. “These chairs are meant for the school to genuinely impact the lives of the children. Let’s preserve and build upon this effort for the betterment of education.”

Mr. Ejekppkpo further tasked the students to make judicious use of the chairs and advised them on anger management. He said, “Please don’t destroy them so that future students can benefit when you graduate. Despite any anger you may feel, refrain from damaging school property. Let’s preserve what we have. Enjoy your benches”, he concluded amidst cheers from staff and students of the school.

Mr. Onwara Ogbevire Precious Omosomuofa who spoke to Oghwoghwa Reporters, disclosed, “I’ve known Mr. Samuel Ejekpokpo since childhood. We were schoolmates at James Welch Grammar School, Emevor. He graduated in 1977 and has since been a tremendous humanitarian, providing medical assistance whenever he visits our hometown. He works as a nurse in America and has been conducting medical outreach for over 20 years, specifically for the people of Orogun. Currently, he’s back home for the Christmas season.”

Mr. Onwara Ogbevire Precious Omosomuofa

Also reacting to the kind gesture, Mr. Oghenekohworho said, “I am happy. This is a good deed by an Urhobo patriot, enabling schoolchildren to read and learn. If others emulate this gesture, Urhobo will undoubtedly move forward. Let’s foster love for one another. Many schools lack chairs for students to sit on. Our government has failed us. We no longer know where we belong. Urhobo should embrace positive actions.”

Mr. Oghenekohworho (Second from right)

This proactive stance by Mr. Ejekpokpo represents a step forward in addressing the infrastructure deficiencies in Imodje Secondary School, marking a positive trajectory towards enhanced educational facilities and opportunities for the students.

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