Jesu-Marie Empowerment Foundation Transforms Uwheru Kingdom with Free Medical Mission

In a resounding display of humanity’s spirit, an Uwherun-born Canada-based Professor of Medicine and Family Health, Olorogun Prof. Dr. Rukevwe Ugwumba, through the auspices of the Jesu-Marie Empowerment Foundation, in collaboration with the Association of Nigerian Physicians in America (ANPA), orchestrated a 2-day symphony of hope and health in Uwheru kingdom, in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State on December 11 and 12, 2023. The reverberating impact of this collaborative endeavor was felt deeply as the community rallied together to embrace this beacon of compassionate service.

The heartbeat of this mission, pulsating with altruism and dedication, stemmed from the visionary leadership of Prof. Ugwumba, President and Founder of the Jesu-Marie Empowerment Foundation. This ANPA Certified Mission brought together a cadre of healthcare professionals and impassioned volunteers, their collective mission a selfless offering of free medical treatments to the ancient Uwheru kingdom community.

The sprawling turnout underscored the overwhelming need for accessible healthcare. The Foundation provided complimentary medication and care for individuals facing visual impairments, administered treatment for high blood pressure, distributed necessary medications, and conducted comprehensive health assessments for everyone. The weather, often a capricious ally, stood steadfastly favorable, harmonizing with the spirits of the gathered multitude, blessing this initiative with an aura of success.

Amidst the throng of attendees, voices echoed gratitude and testimonies, each a testament to the transformative impact of this benevolent mission. Chief Utso Ogarivi JP, former President General of Uwheru kingdom, stood among those profoundly touched, reminiscing on the enduring support rendered by the Jesu-Marie Foundation, recalling moments of shared history when the community was uplifted through tangible aid.

“I am here because I enjoyed the free medical treatment the Jesu-Marie Foundation is providing to the people of Uwherun kingdom. Rukevwe has been helping us for a long time. There is a transformer there that she brought when I was President General.”, said Akpofure

Chief Utso Ogarivi JP

Reflecting the sentiments of many beneficiaries, Chief Peter Idiasa expressed heartfelt appreciation for the medical assistance provided, citing personal health issues that found solace through the medications dispensed during the mission. Mr. Afred Akpobasa echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing Prof. Rukevwe Ugwumba’s longstanding commitment to the community and the palpable impact witnessed across previous initiatives.

“Prof. Rukevwe Ugwumba has been a tremendous help to this community for a very long time. Many individuals testified during last year’s event. This year, I chose to come and be part of those who would benefit.”

The narrative of gratitude flowed seamlessly, resonating through Mrs. Rose Anighoro’s words as she emphasized the economic relief brought by the cost-free medical consultations and tests.

A satisfied beneficiary of Olorogun Ugwumba’s medical empowerment

Chief Todd’s pursuit of relief from rheumatism and hypertension mirrored the multitude seeking solace and healing within the embrace of this mission.

Chief Todd

However, amidst the chorus of grateful voices, it was Prof. Ugwumba herself who encapsulated the true essence of this charitable endeavor. Her words, imbued with the spirit of Christmas, transcended mere medical aid, painting a portrait of empathy and community upliftment. She underscored the duality of celebration—where nourishing both the body and soul becomes paramount. Prof. Ugwumba’s humility and acknowledgment of support from afar encapsulated the essence of community service, stressing that such initiatives are not bound by politics but by the universal desire to uplift and heal.

“Everyone can contribute something to aid their community”- Prof. Ugwumba

She said, “During this Christmas season, people crave rice, but I contemplated within myself and realized that our people also need to feel healthy. If they are well, then they can enjoy their meals. So, I thought, why not do both? That’s why I decided to come today. I reached out to some friends who are doctors in the Americas, and they generously provided me with medications, kits, and support. Therefore, I’m not alone in this endeavor; it’s a way of giving back to my community. The people of Uwheru appreciate our efforts during Christmas. This isn’t about politics; it’s about everyone contributing something to aid their community.”

Prof Ugwumba presenting Ante Natal kits to the Nurses and Midwives of Uwheru Clinic

“Not leaving pregnant women out, on day two of the medical mission, Prof Ugwumba visited the Uwheru Ante Natal Clinic to present Ante Natal kits to pregnant women. She also waxed spiritual by praying for them: ‘There shall be no maternal death in Uwheru in Jesus’ name. No child death in Jesus’ name. All of us will be healthy. Whatever you need, we will bring support in Jesus’ name.’ The women responded with a resounding amen.”

Faces of happy pregnant women who were empowered with pregnancy kits

In the wake of this profoundly impactful medical mission, Uwheru kingdom stands as a testament to the power of unity, empathy, and the unwavering commitment to serve humanity. As the echoes of gratitude reverberate, the Jesu-Marie Empowerment Foundation and ANPA’s collaboration stands as a testament to the transformative potential of selfless service, nurturing hope and healing in the hearts and bodies of all those touched by Prof Ugwumba’s benevolence.

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