Okotie Bids Father-in-law a Befitting Farewell

In a sober moment nestled within Ekreravwen-Agbarho, Ughelli North LGA, Delta State, Mr. Stephen Okotie, a multifaceted community leader who hails from the oil-rich Imodje-Orogun, orchestrated a heartfelt tribute and profound honour upon his beloved father-in-law, Late Mr. Samuel Eghrujakpo Otokpenyeren on Saturday, November 11th, 2023.

Mr. Stephen Okotie and family members

Far exceeding the bounds of tradition, this commemoration wasn’t merely about Mr. Otokpenyeren’s life; it was a testament to the deep-rooted cultural heritage of the Urhobo people. Mr. Okotie, known for his roles as a community leader, philanthropist, agropreneur, and transport consultant, painted a vivid homage that spoke volumes about respect, tradition, and the enduring legacy of a cherished figure.

(L-R) Mr. Stephen Okotie, son of the Okpara of Imodje-Orogun and Papa Rommy

In the lively rhythm of Urhobo tradition, Mr. Stephen Okotie, accompanied by family members, set the tone for the in-law greeting ceremony with a burst of ‘egbane,’ vibrant firecrackers echoing the joy of unity. Spirited singing and dancing followed suit, evoking a spirited celebration that resonated with the essence of togetherness.

Mr. Stephen Okotie (middle), leads family members in the in the In-Law greeting procession

Amidst this vibrant atmosphere, Mrs. Stella Okotie, on sighting her husband who was adorned in resplendent Urhobo attire, beamed with admiration at her heartthrob as she fulfilled a customary gesture, pouring libations on his right leg at the compound’s entrance, honoring age-old customs.

Mrs. Stella Okotie greeting her husband and family members

Post the heartfelt interment, the revered Urhobo tradition of “in-law greeting” took center stage, drawing family members and in-laws together to carry forward the commemoration. Here, familial bonds were strengthened through an exchange steeped in tradition: family offering a list of entertainment items to the in-laws, reciprocated graciously by doubling the offerings.

Late Mr. Samuel Eghrujakpo Otokpenyeren

A touching moment unfolded, as Mrs. Stella Okotie, deeply moved by her husband’s homage to her family, received wads of cash tenderly given by him, symbolizing the act of “wiping her tears.” In a poignant display of mutual respect and love, she reciprocated by presenting a piece of wrapper to her husband, a heartfelt symbol representing the honor of “laying his father-in-law to rest” on her behalf.

Mr. Stephen Okotie ‘wiping away his wife’s tears’

Dignitaries from diverse backgrounds joined Mr. Stephen Ototie to pay their respects at the ceremony, acknowledging him as a pillar in the community and a nurturing paternal figure to many beyond his immediate family. They include the son of the Okpara of Imodje, Papa Rommy, the Editor of Oghwoghwa Reporters, Mr. Foster Akpore, members of Great Brothers United Club of Nigeria, Imodje – Orogun, led by Evang Comr. Itiotio Ernest-President, Comr. Johnson Oseghe-Vice President, Comr. Mine Okotie, Engr Thompson Aruerwamedor, Engr. Joseph Akpude, Comr. Choja Ichope, Comr Atarhe Eruatokare-Organizer, Comr. Ufuoma Onojaeta, Comr. Igharoro Emmanuel, Comr Aaron Ekpo, Comr. Ejaife Unuajohwofia, Engr. Marthins Wanogho, Comr. Mike Edogbejire, and numerous others, came together to bid a final farewell to Mr. Samuel Eghrujakpo Otokpenyeren.

Members of Great Brothers United Club of Nigeria, Imodje – Orogun, led by Evang Comr. Itiotio Ernest

This remarkable event showcased the unity, respect, and cherished traditions of the Urhobo people. Mr. Samuel Eghrujakpo Otokpenyeren’s memory will undoubtedly continue to inspire and resonate within the hearts of those whose lives he touched. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.

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