Opinion: Supporting Governor Oborevwori’s Bid to Embrace Ogbemudia’s Road Legacy

In a promising declaration, Mr. Charles Aniagwu, the Delta State Commissioner for Works (Rural and Riverine Roads), articulated Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s unwavering dedication to enhancing the socio-economic landscape of rural communities.

From Left-Right: Governor Sheriff Oborevwori, Samuel Osaigbovo Ogbemudia

Speaking from Onicha-Ugbo in the Aniocha North Local Government Area of the state, Mr. Aniagwu highlighted Governor Oborevwori’s commitment to constructing durable roads, a pivotal step toward uplifting the livelihoods of rural dwellers. This assertion came on the heels of his inspection of the ongoing construction of Jolly Avenue, underscoring the governor’s proactive approach to fostering development in these communities.

Emulating the legacy of Samuel Osaigbovo Ogbemudia, a distinguished Nigerian army officer and politician, whose leadership as the military Governor of the Mid-West State, later renamed Bendel State, left an enduring mark. Notably, the roads laid during his tenure, some of which endure even after the passage of four decades, stand as a testament to his commitment to durable infrastructure that stood the test of time. It’s this enduring legacy that Governor Oborevwori’s ambition to construct lasting roads evokes—a vision that aligns with Ogbemudia’s dedication to infrastructural development that transcends generations.

Governor Oborevwori’s commitment to linking Delta’s rural communities with durable roads is a commendable initiative, aiming to uplift the socio-economic status of the populace. However, the true measure of success lies not just in intentions voiced but in actions taken. It’s heartening to hear about plans to construct 130 kilometers of roads within a specific timeframe, but the essence is not merely in the quantity but in the quality and durability of these roads.

The aspiration to emulate the enduring legacy of General Ogbemudia, whose roads remain motorable even after 50 years, is an ambitious yet worthy goal. It’s crucial for Governor Oborevwori and his team to ensure that these roads are not just built but are built to endure, serving the communities for generations to come.

The directive to the contractors and supervising engineers to prioritize quality work is pivotal. It’s imperative that these roads are constructed with sturdy materials, robust engineering, and meticulous attention to detail to withstand the test of time and the harsh conditions of Delta State’s diverse terrain.

The dry season presents a valuable opportunity to expedite these construction endeavors, but speed should not compromise quality. It’s vital to strike a balance between timely completion and unwavering dedication to durability. These roads must not only connect communities but also symbolize progress, resilience, and a testament to the government’s commitment to its citizens.

The support of the people is the foundation upon which governance stands, and delivering on promises made is crucial to maintaining this trust. Therefore, Oghwoghwa Reporters urge Governor Oborevwori to not just match words with action but to surpass expectations by constructing roads that truly reflect the durability and longevity witnessed in General Ogbemudia’s legacy. In doing so, the governor can secure a lasting impact, transforming the lives of the people and leaving an indelible mark on Delta State’s development trajectory.

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