“The assertion that the Interim Administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Program is soaked in tribalism is wicked and another angle that is being employed by the nay-sayers all in a bid to distract a very consummate man who is focused on the Job to deliver on the mandate in line with the President Bola Tinubu’s renewed hope agenda for the Niger Delta region. The alleged claim of ethnic agenda is a clear indication of the last breath of those who have gathered themselves as the opposition to whip up sentiment to embarrass the Interim Administrator.

“The People in the region and keen followers of the Amnesty Program can attest to the fact that it is under General Barry Ndiomu Rtd, that the programme is managed with such openness away from the old practice of a cult-like entity. General Barry Ndiomu Rtd, is a detribalized Nigerian even to the detriment of his own people for those who know him, therefore for anyone or group of persons to input ethnic agenda in the administration of the Amnesty Program is only trying to give a dog a bad name to hang it

“General Barry Ndiomu Rtd, himself has overtly questioned the claims and the overbearing attitude of his Ijaw ethnic stock over other ethnic groups in the region. This position he held and pushed back on, drew the ire of his people coupled with his stance to stop the corruption that has taken hold on the programme in the past became part of the reasons the constant attack on his person has been very fierce.

“The threat to plunge the region into a needless crisis if the Interim Administrator is not removed is not only preposterous but a cheap blackmail taken too far. We urge all and sundry that the relative peace we enjoy today must be sustained and maintain the region as the most peaceful region in the country as of today. The success of the Amnesty Program under the leadership of the Interim Administrator, General Barry Ndiomu, is a sine quo non to attaining the peace we enjoy presently. We should not forget that continuing dialogue is the acceptable global standard operating procedure to resolve disputes. We urge our people to desist from acts of violence which for us is an outdated way of ventilating grievances. Without peace, the development we crave for will definitely elude the region.

“As a people, we must not allow a divided Niger Delta which will further alienate the region from the center. No ethnic group is more superior to the other and this has been the hallmark of the Ndiomu administration.

“So far the Interim Administrator is doing well with impactful innovations brought in for the seamless administration of the programme which has equally propelled us to appeal to President Bola Tinubu to confirm the appointment of General Barry Ndiomu without further delay.

“Stakeholders in the region are never as glad as today for meticulously implementation of the last part of the programme which is the reintegration of those who were seen as albatross to society are now the most sought-after pilots, first-class graduates, entrepreneurs in different and diverse areas of trade and commerce hence stakeholders are with the CDC’s call on President Bola Tinubu to confirm Ndiomu’s appointment.”

Joseph Ambakederimo,
Chairman Board of Trustees Community Development Committees of Niger Delta Oil and Gas Producing Areas. (CDC)

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