The true message of Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus and marks the beginning of a new covenant between God and man. It was indeed a colossal event in Bible history. Jesus had been given an assignment by God to save the world from their sins, and He had obeyed.

He healed the sick, cast out demons, and condemned the false leaders of His people; gave His life for the sins of all mankind so that all who would believe in Him could have Eternal Life, (John 5 24).
Historical records abound attesting to the life of Jesus. His life and death on earth are considered to be the most proven of all historical figures.
Upon His death, Heaven and Earth were shaken with violent earthquakes, and the earth was covered with darkness. People who had previously died were seen walking about, and the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom. (Matt 27:51).
The torn veil was to signify that the Spirit of God would no longer be in the Ark that had been kept in the back of the Temple as the Most Holy of Holies under the “Old Covenant.”
Under the “New Covenant” the Spirit is placed in every born again Believer. The Followers of Jesus are now His Tabernacle, (His Church). No longer does mankind need to be separated from God. The act of God indwelling man separates Christianity from every religion in the world.
Easter proclaims the greatest act of love known to man…. John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”
May this Easter Renew our Hope in Christ and Empower us to be Responsible, Respectful and Loving Citizens of Our Dear Country Nigeria. So that our Light as Christians Will shine before men that they will see the Good Work of the cross in our daily activities and Glorify our Father in Heaven …Amen Matt. 5:14–16.