The staff of the National Biosafety Management Agency Sends forth Dr. Abegba

In a remarkable show of appreciation for dedicated service, the staff and members of the National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA) recently hosted a send-forth party to honour their outgoing Director-General/CEO, Dr. Rufus Abegba. The event, which was held on the 28th of April 2023, was organized to celebrate the outstanding contributions of the DG/CEO to the development of the agency and the nation as a whole.

Dr. Rufus Abegba

The NBMA, which is responsible for regulating the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Nigeria, has been at the forefront of promoting biosafety and ensuring that the country’s biodiversity is protected. And for the past few years, the outgoing DG/CEO has played a pivotal role in advancing the agency’s mandate, earning the admiration and respect of his colleagues and staff.

Speaking at the event, the Chairman of the NBMA board, expressed his gratitude to the outgoing DG/CEO for his meritorious service and his unwavering commitment to the agency’s objectives. He acknowledged the significant strides made by the agency under the DG/CEO’s leadership, and he wished him success in his future endeavours.

In his response, the outgoing DG/CEO thanked everyone for their support and cooperation during his tenure. He attributed his success to the collective efforts of the NBMA staff and members, whom he described as dedicated and hardworking. He pledged to continue supporting the agency’s mission and promoting biosafety in Nigeria.

The send-forth party was a fitting tribute to the outgoing DG/CEO, whose leadership has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the NBMA and the biosafety landscape in Nigeria. As he bows out of office, his legacy will remain an inspiration to many who seek to make a positive impact on their communities and the world at large.

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