Ughere Appeals for Restraint and Humanitarian Aid in Aladja and Ogbe Ijoh Land Dispute

In a troubling development, the ongoing land ownership dispute between Aladja and Ogbe Ijoh communities has taken a distressing turn, with reports of alleged excessive force being used by security agencies deployed to restore peace in the area. As the conflict continues, businesses have ground to a halt, leaving the residents in dire straits with little access to food and healthcare services due to an imposed curfew that has lasted for five days and counting.

Activist Blessed Ughere

One harrowing incident involves Mr. Ejiro Akaba, who was severely beaten while trying to find food for his children during the curfew. The situation in both communities is worsening, necessitating urgent humanitarian aid and restraint from security forces on the ground.

At the time of filling this report, attempts to reach the Army spokesman for comment have been unsuccessful, adding to the urgency of the situation. Critical stakeholders are being urged to appeal to the deployed security forces to show restraint in their actions while working towards a peaceful resolution of the dispute.

Activist Blessed Ughere, a concerned advocate for peace and wellbeing and UPU Youth Wing President-hopeful has called on all parties involved to balance the need for peacekeeping with ensuring the safety and welfare of the affected communities. Addressing the economic hardship caused by the curfew is essential to alleviate potential starvation and denial of healthcare services to those in need.

“As the situation remains tense, the humanitarian appeal gains urgency to prevent further escalation of the conflict and to provide necessary assistance to those affected. The communities of Aladja and Ogbe Ijoh urgently require support from both governmental and non-governmental entities to alleviate their suffering and to foster an environment conducive to peaceful resolution.”

In the spirit of fostering peace and unity, advocates like Blessed Ughere emphasize the importance of respecting the rights of citizens, finding common ground, and implementing humanitarian measures to alleviate the suffering of the affected communities.

“Together, we can create a platform for dialogue and resolution while ensuring the wellbeing of those caught in the midst of this unfortunate dispute”, Ughere further added.

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