Agabi Applauds Ughere’s Inspiring Leadership; Cautions on Accountability and Timely Implementation of Orogun Youth Arise Conference Recommendations

By Comrade Efe Agabi

Your presence at the Orogun Youth Arise Conference is a testament to your resolve to unify the youths in Urhobo. Thank you.

(L-R) Activist Blessed Ughere, UPU Youth Wing President and Comrade Efe Agabi, MC/Moderator of Orogun Youth Arise Conference

You were punctual, traditionally dressed, and flanked by the cerebral Comrade Ese Agbobore and the Chief Whip of the UPU youth wing.

Activist Ughere Blessed, Osu ri’lghelle, UPU, worldwide

You added flair and value to the conference and left the youths with nuggets of wisdom. Thank you.

You hesitated to step forward to the ‘high table’ section because you did not consider it necessary, but I insisted for obvious reasons. Your sense of humility is conspicuous and still very fecund in public discourse; your eloquence in Urhobo language is commendable. Thank you.

Orogun President General, Chief Barr. Benson Ndakara represented by Chief Dr. Edwin Achugbue

Please remember that Orogun Kingdom is the only bilingual kingdom in the land. Our ability to speak Urhobo and Ukwuani fluently exudes our uniqueness and also enriches the variety of the culture and tradition in Urhobo kingdoms. Do not be surprised if our subsequent programs are moderated in Ukwuani language or if you meet a youth from Orogun who speaks Ukuani fluently. ‘Orogun bu ofu’

Dr. Otive Igbuzor, a keynote speaker talked on “Preparation for Change in a VUCADD World”

We also believe you saw the harmless totems that almost generated a heated argument between the youths and the DPO before Dr. Otive Igbuzor waded in to douse the tension. Those totems are sacred and they represent the history and experiences of our forebears. They reflect the culture of our ancestors; they are not evil, not diabolic, not worshipped as erroneously portrayed, and they do not retard development.

Prof. Sunny Awhefeada, a keynote speaker, talked on the “The Role of Youths in the Development of Orogun”

As Dr. Otive Igbuzor posited, Africans and totems are inextricably linked, and virtually all the communities in Africa have totems that tend to re-echo the experiences of the aborigines. We are confident that you had a nice time with our people.

Hon Matthew Onojighofia Omonade, DTHA, Ughelli North 1

What is now very important is to replicate the ideas drawn from this new paradigm established in Orogun kingdom to all communities in Urhobo. This new paradigm is to prioritize entrepreneurship and skill acquisition as a panacea for youth unemployment and antisocial behavior in all Urhobo kingdoms.

Hon. Chief Godwin Adode, ughelli North LGA Chairman, represented by Hon. Godday Okiemute Igogono, LGA SLG

As you rightly admonished, other kingdoms should replicate what the Orogun Youth Council and Alliance for Leadership, Equity and Good Governance in Orogun kingdom idealized to remodel the thinking of young people.

Sir Felix Osawota, Unukpo-Orogun subclan PG

You did not mince words when you said, we must develop ourselves to develop society.

Mr. Oteri Ovoke (Middle) flanked by some OYC Exco

The onus is on the youths to leverage the very powerful lectures delivered by Chief Benson Ndakara, Prof. Sunny Awhefeada, Dr. Otive Igbuzor, Hon. Godday Igogono, Hon Matthew Omonade, Sir Felix Osawota, Comrade Felix Orogunfere, Comrade Edirin Okpowe, Comrade Fidelis Onakpoma, Comrade Hitler Ogheneyorowho Romeo, the Divisional Police Officer in Orogun, and the funding opportunities from the Bank of Industry (BOI) to develop innate ingenuity and skills for self-reliance.

To the organizers of the conference, the OYC led by Mr. Ovoke Oteri and ALEGG led by Mr. Foster Akpore, the outcome of this conference would only find a place in the annals of history if they are timely implemented. The success of any policy discourse is not measured by the size of attendees as seen in the very impressive turnout of youths; it is the aftermath and timely implementation of resolutions drawn from the conference that would matter for posterity.

A section of Orogun Youths listening with rapt attention

To the youths of Orogun Orua iyori; be cautious and circumspect. The management of the pre-conference donation of Three hundred and ninety-five thousand naira (N395,000) made by Mr. Paul Otu, Chief Do-Good O. Efe-Nogo JP, Dr. Otive Igbuzor, Evang. Ogobene Alfred, CSP Gladys Enohor Imegu, Hon. Matthew Omonade, and Sir Felix Osawota, together with the seven hundred and fifty thousand (N750,000) donated by Orogun President General, Chief Barr Benson Ndakara, Hon. Matthew Omonade, and Chief (Mrs) Fidelia Ogunleye would reflect your innate philosophy on public finance. It is the first test of your ability to run with this idea. The leaders are watching closely. Save that money and continue to brainstorm on how to raise funds to raise the target of 1000 entrepreneurs in Umusu, Unukpo, Imodje, Ogwa, and Emonu sub-clans.

Mr. Foster Akpore, ALEGG Coordinator and Co-Convener of Orogun Youth Arise Conference

Let’s hope the money will not be shared hurriedly to satiate certain quarters so that together, we can build a brighter future for all Urhobo youths.

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