Oghwoghwa El Classico: Ogor Tackles Orogun in Ughelli North Chairman’s Cup Opener

UGHELLI, DELTA STATE – The much-anticipated clash between Ogor Kingdom and Orogun Kingdom is set to headline the official opening ceremony of the Ughelli North Chairman’s Cup 2024.

The defending champion, Ogor Kingdom, will go head-to-head with fierce rivals Orogun Kingdom in a spectacle of football prowess at the Ughelli Township Stadium on Thursday, January 25th, 2024, with kick-off scheduled for 3 PM.

Hon. Chief Godwin Adode (JP), set for the kick-off

The Ughelli North Chairman’s Cup 2024, sponsored by the Council Chairman, Hon. Chief Godwin Adode (JP), who is an accomplished Football Coach, promises a riveting display of football excellence, showcasing the rich sporting heritage of the participating kingdoms.

The tournament features a stellar lineup of kingdoms including Ogor, Agharha, Ughelli, Evwreni, Orogun, Agbarho, and Uwheru. Each team is geared up to compete for glory and supremacy in this prestigious championship.

The opening match between Ogor and Orogun is expected to draw fans from across Delta State, creating an electric atmosphere at the Ughelli Township Stadium.

Football enthusiasts can anticipate a thrilling contest as the defending champions look to assert their dominance against a formidable opponent known for winning laurels in the defunct Bendel and Delta State.

Join us as we witness the commencement of the Ughelli North Chairman’s Cup 2024 with the clash of titans in the Oghwoghwa El Classico. Let the battle for supremacy begin!

Event Details:
Date: Thursday, January 25th, 2024
Kick-off Time: 3 PM
Venue: Ughelli Township Stadium, Delta State

For media inquiries and accreditation, please contact the Ughelli North Chairman’s Cup Organizing Committee.

The Organizing Committee further urged all participating kingdoms to turn up in their numbers to cheer up their teams to victory

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